- Arthritis Kitchen Knife Adaptor
- Versatile Elbow Operated Gripper (VEOG)
- Arduino Lids
- EBook Reader Stand
- Sliding door handle
Arthritis Kitchen Knife Adapter
My wife has difficulty in the kitchen cutting hard vegetables like carrots. The existing arthritis knives have a good grip but seem to rely heavily on a strong wrist to control the blade. I designed a knife adapter which can be 3D printed, uses a common kitchen knife as the cutting blade and uses the heel of the palm as the pressure applier to the knife. The adapter is designed so it can be used by either left or right dominant hand users.
The idea for the VEOG evolved as previous recipients stated the device didn't rotate or have a positive grip in some situations.Version 1 was tested and critiqued with the result the device in its current form was left wanting. Version 2 and now Version 3 is an improved device incorporating all suggested changes.
VEOG was conceived and designed with Design Spark Mechanical, sliced with Cura and printed on a Crealty Ender 3 printer.
Click on the links below -
VEOG introduction video
VEOG in Wikifactory
VEOG Layout
VEOG Parts List
Source files in Thingiverse
Printing a Preparing VEOG
Assembling a VEOG
Fitting and Using the VEOG
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Arduino Lids
EBook Reader Stand
liding door handle